sam + dev | kitekite falls engagement shoot

Wet hair, don't care? Well, that was definitely the case for Sam + Dev when they decided to venture out early on Sunday morning in the pouring rain! 

Couples sessions are awesome and if you get the opportunity to do one I'd definitely recommend jumping on the bandwagon! So when these two said they were up for it I was so stoked to capture this part of their lives only one month before their big day with so much excitement on their shoulders. It was perfect timing besides the rain but as my mum always says, "some people walk in the rain, others just get wet!"

Of course, the rain didn't stop until we got back to the car a good hour later but it set the mood and I wouldn't have changed a thing! These two were just full of laughs & if this shoot is anything to go by with the amount of laughter I'm already counting down to their big day.

Congratulations on being an awesome couple and soon tying the knot - thanks for allowing me into your space & meeting me more than halfway, not complaining about the rain or trekking through the mud - you guys truly rock. I'll leave you all with... "couple's who laugh together stay together".


pamela + adam

krissy + ash

cj + cam | part one

laura + mark

cj + cam | part two

briar + corey